Major interior demolition had to be done to this 137,000 square foot facility to make way for new improvements.
The original building had eight separate additions housing multiple mechanical systems. All existing HVAC and bakery roof equipment, existing steel structural elements and other major interior features were removed. This allowed for the construction of a new 35,000 square foot bakery line area, a 6,500 square foot employee cafeteria, a silo pad, truckers lounge area, quality control labs and other offices, and locker room/restroom areas. We oversaw installation of new bakery equipment including new HVAC and bakery process fans, steam generation systems, and compressed air and oil feed lines to the new silo. Outside, a new electrical room for new utility connections was built, new storm water restriction structures were installed, and the existing asphalt pavement was milled and resurfaced. As a result of our updates, this 50-year-old redevelopment project was converted into an AIB bakery that produces over a million pita breads daily.
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